Serving Central and Southern Alabama and the Florida Panhandle
Free Consultation: 800.526-4902

David Moyer | Central & Southern Alabama & Florida Panhandle Legal Marketing Specialist

I can help you fish for new leads today

There are two things you should know about me:

  1. I love creating new ways to help lawyers make money and generate leads.
  2. If I'm not doing # 1 then I'm probably fishing.

I was born and raised near Birmingham and now currently live about five minutes from Mobile Bay. One of the things I enjoy about my work is meeting local attorneys at their office to discuss strategy and come up with new ways to bring in quality leads and bring in money.

I love fishing along the coast. There's enough speckled sea trout (they can get real big), red fish, flounder, red snapper and Spanish mackerel to go around. My love of fishing has splashed over into my philosophy of law firm marketing, which basically says that there's enough bites to go around for everyone: you just have to get out on the water and throw a line in! It helps to have an experienced and skilled guide navigate the waters with you to maximize your "catch."

That's where I come in. Working exclusively with lawyers for the last 10 years has given me the tools and knowledge to enhance and develop your online marketing strategy. I have worked in and around central and south Alabama and know what it takes to create a campaign that gets results.

Let me help you reel in some big ones!

I can help you enhance your online presence and maximize your lead generation. It's like throwing a bunch of lines in the water: eventually they start biting. Call me at 251-281-4726 or contact me online to schedule your free consultation.